Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sunday: Roadtrip

Thanks to my brother Mike and our nephews, Jordan and Seth, Zachary and I went on a road trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. They handled the evening milking and chores for us. It was our first milking off since our honeymoon four years ago.After some aimless driving, we arrived at Craig Lake State Park.
A view of Craig Lake from the hiking trail.
Demonstrating this was one of the more rustic hikes we have been on, here is a down tree used as a river crossing.
Near the end of our 8 mile hike, we get a call from Mike letting us know the milking went well. Note: cell phone service in the U.P. is spotty at best. You can see our healthy trail snack next to Zachary, Swedish Fish. :-)

Later that night on the way home, between Iron Mountain, MI and Niagara, WI, we nearly hit a black bear on the road. And we were worried about hitting a deer...

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