Meet Ricky, Fred and Sammy. After finding an irresistible ad on Craigslist, we have 4 new critter additions to our farm. Zachary and I want to try spinning and knitting, and the sheep are great wool producers. Ricky, the all-white one, is a Border Leicester. Fred, the brown and white one, is a Icelandic/Shetland cross. Sammy, the young black one, is a Southdown/Corriedale/Merino cross. They all are boys that been castrated and are very woolly. Ricky and Fred are 2 years, and Sammy is 6 months old. They came named. Once it warms up and dries out, we'll get them sheared.

Buy three sheep, get free goat! His name is Tippy. Our
free-range goat that lives with the heifers and steers and thinks she is a cow, has a fellow goat on the farm again.
Zachary is worried our farm will turn into a petting zoo. Ever since we stopped milking cows almost a month ago, I have been lobbying for more animals. Craigslist is very dangerous when a woman misses her milk cows. At least the sheep are somewhat useful with the wool. I am not sure if I can talk him into Mini Donkeys... :-)