Zach and I went on an impromptu getaway on Monday. I was off from work on Monday and on a whim we headed up to Door County for a overnight getaway. Door County is one of our favorite places to go. One of the best things about going away is the food. And we ate pretty good for 24 hours. Above is an Asparagus Quesadilla and side salad with a creamy dill dressing. Wow, crazy good.

Along with the ice cream, the salmon, the whitefish, the omelet, the burgers, and the fudge.

The English Inn, where we had the salmon and whitefish.

Monday night we went to Pirate's Cove for mini golf. There are several places for mini golf at Door County, but pirate themed is always the better choice. We did keep score, and Zach won. The short puts always kill me.

Oh, so that is where the treasure is. Get the shovel.
After being thwarted twice at sunset and in the morning by wind and waves, we were able to get in a sailboat ride mid day on Tuesday. The wind and waves calmed down a bit. We sailed out of Sister Bay and sailed along the coast to Fish Creek and back. Zach has a thing for sailboats. (Okay, that might be a understatement) We sailed on a restored 40 foot Cal Sloop. Neither of us have been in a sailboat that large. We had 4 other people on the boat and the captain.

It was the perfect weather for sailing. Captain Andy was pleased with the conditions. And I didn't get seasick! I was a little worried about that. If it was rougher conditions, then it would probably be a different story.

Zach and I usually try to take a self portrait of ourselves every time we are doing something fun. He gets the honors of taking the picture, he has longer arms.

One of our shipmates offered to take a proper picture for us.

We also spied the famous goats on the roof in Sister Bay at Al Johnson's Swedish Restaurant. We didn't eat there, but we took in the goat-ertainment.