This week I got a bunch of seed catalogs in the mail, getting me excited for the 2009 growing season. I can say I am officially ready for spring. This year I have big hopes for our vegetable garden. Instead of going to Fleet Farm and picking out a bag full of seed packets off the shelf, I think I might try ordering some from the catalogs. There are so many varieties out there. Did you know you can grow purple carrots?? I have several hours ahead of me to pour over the catalogs and make our selections. It will make these cold winter nights pass quickly.
The garden from last year ended up being mostly a tomato garden, which quickly grew out of control. We had so many tomatoes... A garden resolution of ours is better garden planning. We didn't really think about placement, spacing, and amounts until planting day and after things started growing, we had pole beans strangling peas and tomatoes smothering onions and lettuce.
With the garden planning, comes the garden upkeep. I admit, I was not the most dedicated gardener last year. It seemed I couldn't get ahead of the weeding and harvesting, plus there is always other responsibilities and commitments away from the garden. Thank goodness for my Mom helping me out. Thanks Mom! Planting a smaller garden will help. But there are so many fun things to grow...
For the gardeners out there, where do you get your seeds from? What is your favorite food to grow?
We think Queequeg is ready for winter to be over with, she is often found trying to hibernate. When not attempting to hibernate, she assists Zachary in researching cabinet construction.
This past weekend we found a great independent game shop in Appleton. After being on a Risk binge lately, we wanted to find another game to gather around. We were looking for Axis and Allies, the regular version, but they were sold out. So we settled with a spin-off game from the series: Axis and Allies Miniatures. It plays different from the original and usually plays faster as well. The game is surprisingly addicting and our nephews are getting in on the game play as well. We have a couple booster sets now and have a nice collection. We'll be back at that game store again soon. There is a great chocolate shop a couple blocks away which makes the trip even more sweeter. :-) It is hard to pick a new game based off the box on the shelf. Anyone have any favorites for suggestions? Any type.
Today is one of the last warm days before the cold moves in. The cows are enjoying the mild 20 degree weather. They like wandering out to the pasture and relaxing in the snow. It will be interesting later this week keeping the water flowing and the tractors running during the cold. Zachary will have his hands full on the farm. A walk to the pasture always draws a crowd when I have a camera. Dawn and Patch come to the fence for a visit. A Kristanna nose. I love the water droplets hanging on her nose. I forgot who's nose this was, sorry cow lady. A Rachel nose.
In the past week we hung about 12 sheets of drywall in the kitchen. We now have fresh drywall all around the perimeter of the kitchen to about 8 feet high. Because of the high vaulted ceiling, we'll have a professional finish the drywall. We wanted the walls up so we can start building and fitting the cabinets. I apologize for the spotty photos- it looks like it is snowing in the house, lens must have been dusty. In the middle here is the skeleton of our new island.